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Home Product ASSEMBLED MACHINE  >  LJ-822 Tridimensional Rotary Infrared Forming Machine

LJ-822 Tridimensional Rotary Infrared Forming Machine

LJ-822 Tridimensional Rotary Infrared Forming Machine

Double-layer conveying system
Roundabout design
Process design
Energy-saving pneumatic doors
Air purification system


Double-layer conveying system: It can be separated into upper, middle and lower layer conveyor belts according to the material of shoes, the conveyor belts are conveying and heated independently in order to ensure the quality and stability of heating.

Roundabout design: Roundabout compact modular pipeline design is adopted to make effective use of the space on both sides, shorten the length of the machine system, and effectively reduce space cost.

Process design: Self-developed fast-conveying technology works well with the liquid-applying section and the sole-laying section and makes the operations go very smoothly.

Energy-saving pneumatic doors: Work areas for both the liquid- applying section and the 1st and 2nd gluing sections are equipped with automatic airtight doors; as a result, heat loss is effectively reduced and both energy saving and carbon emission reduction are achieved.

Air purification system: this machine follows a centralized design; the exhaust gas first goes through an activated carbon air purification system and gets filtered before being discharged; a high degree of air purification is achieved to protect the respiratory health of the production personnel.


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