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Home Product Other products  >  LJ-900 Environmental Friendly Exhaust Ventilator

LJ-900 Environmental Friendly Exhaust Ventilator

LJ-900 Environmental Friendly Exhaust Ventilator

Air purification system
Additional installing
Personalized customization


●Air purification system: this machine follows a centralized design; the exhaust gasfirst goes through an activated carbon air purification system and gets filtered beforebeing discharged; a high degree of air purification is achieved to protect the respiratoryhealth of the production personnel.

●Additional installing: Can add optional installing on forming machine manufacturedby LIANGQIANG, can also remold the old production line, upgrade the environmentalprotection of existing production line.

●Personalized customization:  The personalized customization can be madeaccording to the existing production line configuration and the length of drying oven, thespecific design of sizes could be made in the range of design.

●When the waste gas goes through the suction groove, the grid will filter the dust andflotage. Then the granular activated carbon will adsorb the harmful gases. After that, thegas will be let out by fan.


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